Today NEOSUN Energy has announced significant technical changes to the solar panels manufacturing process. These include the use of the newest 5BB (5 bus bar) solar cells as well as special tempered glass with AR coating to reduce sunlight reflection and increase the module performance.
“The 5BB Solar PV module is an important step forward for NEOSUN Energy this year,” said Ilya Likhov, CEO of NEOSUN Energy. “Compared to the traditional 4BB module, the additional bus bar reduces the overall series resistance of the cell strings and consequently improve module performance.”
The upgrade from 4BB to 5BB not only increases module power, but also reduces the use of silver on the front side of the cells, potentially resulting in the universally sought combination of a reduction in module cost as well as an increase in module power. It is estimated that a single 5BB module provides up to 1.5-2W extra power compared with its 4BB equivalent, offering a significant increase in efficiency of solar modules.