Neosun Energy has completed the construction of a solar power plant with a capacity of 102 kW for the Fox Lodge hotel complex in the Moscow region. On the launch day, the station has already generated 730 kWh.

This is the most powerful solar power plant in Moscow and the Moscow region for the moment.

In addition to savings, this particular plant will reduce CO2 emissions by almost 100 tons annually, which is equivalent to planting 5,000 trees per year, and also decrease the dependence on external energy sources.

The plant is equipped with high-performance monocrystalline Neosun solar modules, two three-phase 60 kW solar inverters, and a ground screw piles mounting system. The plant is divided into two parts and consists of stripes with a capacity of 48 kW (132 modules of 370W each) and 54 kW (180 modules of 300W).

“The launch of a solar power plant in the Fox Lodge is a great example of how private business cares about the environment, not only in words but in deeds. Over the past year, we can see a huge increase in demand for solar installations from private customers due to economic feasibility. Today a solar power plant is not only a tool for reducing emissions but also a profitable investment, which generates income up to 8 RUR for each ruble invested. And it is not affected by the dollar volatility, oil cost, or a pandemic”, – said Neosun Energy CEO, Ilya Likhov.